SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection. A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.
Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...
A car accident in 2012 brought Ann Sheridan and Sherri Nicholas to go through Eden Energy Medicine Fundamentals/Certification together in 2014-2015.
Turning Challenges into Purpose: A Journey of Recovery and Discovery
This is an excerpt from 2015 composition-like story that Ann and I put together when we requested to be considered for the scholarship fund in 2015 for year two of the Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) certification program.
This is the beginning of what has become a longer story than we expected. Sometimes the best way to get to know something is by just telling your story. if this were a book this wouldn't be the very beginning, but its a good place to start.
The Beginning, The Middle or The End
In 2012, Ann and Justin were in a serious car accident. They were hit from behind by a full-size SUV and pool-balled forward about three house lengths. Miraculously, they both walked away without any "apparent injuries." However, in the days and weeks that followed, Ann began exhibiting symptoms such as blurry vision, dizziness, short-term memory loss, headaches, and an inability to focus or multitask. Eventually, she was diagnosed with post-concussive syndrome, also known as mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). This marked the beginning of her journey as a patient within the healthcare system—a perspective she had never experienced before as a nurse who worked for 30+ years within the system.
With her symptoms and the inability to multitask, it soon became clear that she could not return to her job managing a busy, inner-city HIV clinic. The next two years were consumed with doctor appointments, physical therapy, vestibular therapy, vision therapy, and regular counseling.
Ann always practiced something called the Daily Energy Routine(DER) before going to work everyday. She noticed an immediate improvement in how she felt, both physically and emotionally, after doing this set of techniques. But just doing the DER didn't make any of the symptoms she was experiencing go away post accident. They did temporarily bridge feelings a discombobulation and help bring momentary clarity better than anything else beside sleep.
"Sometimes, life’s biggest challenges are the universe’s way of redirecting us toward our true purpose.”
The car accident left me with a mild traumatic brain injury, and I am now on permanent disability. This has been a major blow to our household finances. I was the primary financial provider, and I have lost 80% of my income. I am unable to return to full-time work as a nurse due to the lingering symptoms of my injury, and we have drained most of our savings. However, despite these challenges, I feel called to dedicate the my life to learning more about Eden Energy Medicine (EEM).
In 1999, Sherri bought a book called Energy Medicine by Donna Eden and David Feinstein. I started doing the exercises in the book whenever I felt a cold or the flu coming on. By 2006, I was feeling extremely stressed at work. Although I had been meditating for a few years, I felt I needed something more. That’s when I began practicing Donna Eden’s 5-Minute Daily Energy Routine consistently. I quickly noticed a difference in my physical and emotional well-being.
Finding Calm Amid Chaos
I often rushed through the routine before heading off to work, but I also began introducing these techniques to a group I facilitated weekly. The techniques were a hit with the patients—because they were easy to learn, free to do, and could be practiced independently. This sparked my passion for wellness and inspired me to share these tools daily.
Having the Energy Medicine book since 1999, I was always trying to figure how to integrate the information in my practice. In 2005, a foundational certification program for EEM was introduced, offering a deeper understanding of the techniques needed to become a practitioner. Unfortunately, due to family commitments, I couldn’t attend at that time. A massage colleague borrowed my EEM book and enrolled into the first group of the certification program in 2006. She practiced on me while learning for two years as we both navigated integration of EEM on ourselves and others.
In 2009, I was able to enroll in Year 1 of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (EEMCP) when it became available regionally for the first time. However, I couldn’t attend Year 2 due to ongoing family challenges. Life kept throwing roadblocks in my way, preventing me from getting to Phoenix for the second year. Despite this, I continued integrating Energy Medicine into my life and my massage practice.
After the accident, Sherri sought out more information on Energy Medicine, which I began incorporating into my recovery. Certain exercises were especially helpful when I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, or impatient.
In January 2014, I had a life-changing session with an Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner, Lisa Buford. That session was a turning point for me—lifting the fog in my head and allowing me to think more clearly.
From that moment on, I practiced my additional EEM routines and, in June 2014, I was attend Year 1 of the Regional Energy Medicine Foundation Certification Program (EEMCP) in New Jersey.
"In the darkest moments, the light of a new path often shines the brightest.”
Endings Are New Beginnings Waiting To Unfold
Since 2012, we have been in "money-scrambling" mode. The past few years have been an uphill battle, and this year we will need to make decisions about our future living situation. At this point, it’s likely that we won’t be able to stay in our home.
Despite the struggles, Ann and I both feel strongly about continuing to Year 2 of the EEMCP program. This is not just a career change—but a joint focus, not just for others, but for ourselves. We want to become practitioners and teachers of Energy Medicine. While so many things in our lives remain uncertain—our finances and living situation among them—we are both absolutely certain that this is the path we want to take. I’ve waited five years to get to Year 2 of this program, and I never imagined that Ann would be able to attend it alongside me.
"Healing isn’t just about recovery; it’s about rediscovering what truly matters.”
Ann: I need to attend Year 2 of the EEMCP program this year to maintain "this momentum". Attending with Sherri would make the experience even more meaningful, as we could support each other in the learning process.
Humbled and Reflective
Reflecting on the events that have led me to this point, have been very humbling. Before the accident, I was an HIV research nurse, and passionate about exploring studies that went beyond conventional medicine. I encouraged my organization to consider alternative therapies for HIV patients, and I envision doing the same with Eden Energy Medicine.
I saw myself participating in multi-site research studies, much like I did with the NIH, but this time focused on EEM. I imagine studies that evaluate specific EEM exercises for particular diagnoses or explore the impact of the entire routine as an adjunct to drug therapy. Such studies could measure outcomes using quality-of-life questionnaires, symptom severity assessments, and even blood work. I truly believe there are blood markers—perhaps in the immune or endocrine systems—that will demonstrate the effects of EEM.
While scientific validation is important, what matters most to me is how patients feel. I’ve seen firsthand that when patients actively participate in their care, they thrive—not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Empowerment is the key.
Educate, Inspire, and Share
What would we do with the knowledge we gain from becoming certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioners?
Personally, I’ve never looked up to anyone —until I actually met Donna Eden in 2007. Her authenticity and radiant energy left a profound impression on me. I haven't met many people with this true inside authenticity.
It's Underneath Everything
I see Energy Medicine becoming a global movement. I envision it being integrated into schools, embraced by parents, and used to support veterans and burned-out healthcare professionals. I see scientists researching it, teachers teaching it, and people everywhere using it to empower themselves. Carrying out Donna’s vision of helping people heal themselves and the planet has many possibilities and can be far-reaching.
Energy Medicine has transformed my life, especially over the past three years. I believe it will become as commonplace as radios in the 1940s, televisions in the 1970s, and how smartphones today are ever-evolving. The world is evolving, and we can all carry this information forward in our own creativity.
"When we believe in our own ability to heal, we create a wonDERful ripple effect that changes the world.”
Blessing in Disguise
I wouldn’t have made it through the past three years without the support of Sherri, Justin, my family, and Eden Energy Medicine. I couldn’t drive for two years, and I relied on others to take me to over 300 medical appointments. Sherri and I have swapped roles, but we both believe that EEM is our future.
My accident has ultimately been a blessing in disguise—it gave me the chance to pursue what I truly love. EEM has re-empowered me, and now I want to empower others. I’m ready to continue this journey into Year 2 and whatever beyond is.
"When we heal ourselves, we light the way for others to heal too.”
Part 1: Life Can Turn on a Dime: Who Are We?
Part 2: When Life Takes a Turn: Rising After the Spin
Daily Energy Routine Blog References:
What's THE DER? Exactly
Why DO the Daily Energy Routine?
The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey
28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge!
©2025 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved
Ann and Sherri’s journey reminds us that healing is not just about recovery—it’s about discovering new ways to live, love, and thrive. 2016- ...
A car accident in 2012 brought Ann Sheridan and Sherri Nicholas to go through Eden Energy Medicine Fundamentals/Certification together in ...
The DER (Daily Energy Routine) is a set of exercises and techniques designed to balance and optimize the body's energy flow.
This blog captures Donna Eden’s inspiring story and explore the transformative potential of Eden Energy Medicine
Do you Do the DER? Do you know the DER? All about the Daily Energy Routine
When the stress gets too big, your brain's "emergency alarm" goes off, and the forebrain (the thinking part) takes a break ...