Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey

This blog captures Donna Eden’s inspiring story and explore the transformative potential of Eden Energy Medicine

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” – Hippocrates

Healing Through Energy

Donna Eden’s Inspiring Journey with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Donna Eden’s journey to pioneering what she called Energy Medicine is a story of self-reliance and  self-discovery meeting resilience and innovation. Diagnosed with (MS) and later suffering a heart attack, Donna was given a grim prognosis by doctors who believed her condition was progressive and irreversible. Despite these challenges, Donna not only healed herself but also developed an entire system of energy medicine that has transformed countless lives.

In today’s health-conscious world, where many are exploring alternatives to conventional medicine, Donna Eden’s success with energy healing serves as both an inspiration and an invitation to consider the body’s untapped potential for healing. Eden Energy Medicine offers a complementary approach to health, helping people connect with their body’s energy systems to restore balance and vitality.

How One Woman’s Determination Sparked a Revolution in Alternative Medicine

Donna Eden’s Early Challenges

At just at the young age of 16, Donna Eden was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic illness that causes the immune system to attack the nervous system. Her condition caused severe pain, periods of immobility, and unpredictable spells where she couldn’t move for hours, often leaving her bedridden.

At age 27, she suffered a heart attack. Doctors informed her that the damage to her body was systemic, progressive, and irreversible, giving her only a few years to live. Despite this prognosis, Donna was determined to raise her two young daughters and refused to give up. Her determination led her to embark on a journey of self-healing that would change her life.

Discovering the Body’s Energies

Donna possessed a unique gift: the ability to sense and see the body’s energies as colorful fields, flows, and swirls. Although she didn’t fully understand this ability at first, it became the key to her recovery. Faced with debilitating symptoms, she began experimenting with her body’s energy flow to alleviate pain and regain mobility.

Using her hands, Donna discovered that she could shift the energy in her legs, which consistently reduced her pain. Over time, she developed additional techniques, such as making circular motions over certain spots, holding and rubbing specific points, and adopting postures or movements. These methods allowed her to increase the flow of stagnant energies, which she could see and feel as they moved through her body.

Through daily, intensive practice, Donna fine-tuned her techniques. Within six months, her ability to walk improved significantly. Over two years, she became almost entirely symptom-free.

A Remarkable Recovery and Sharing Her Insights

By her mid-thirties, Donna’s MS symptoms had disappeared completely, and she has remained symptom-free for over 40 years. Her recovery defied medical expectations, proving that healing was possible even in the face of a seemingly hopeless diagnosis. 

After her recovery, Donna realized she had gained profound insights into the body’s energy systems and believed her methods could help others. She dedicated her life to teaching Eden Energy Medicine, empowering individuals to take control of their health by working with their body’s natural energy systems. Her methods have since helped thousands of people overcome chronic illnesses and achieve healing.

Eden Energy Medicine

A Story of Hope, Healing, and Resilience

Donna Eden’s story is one hope. Despite a devastating diagnosis and years of debilitating symptoms, she harnessed her unique ability to see and work with the body’s energies to heal herself. While traditional medicine deemed her condition untreatable, Donna’s methods open up new possibilities for addressing chronic illnesses through energy testing and using simple hand placements and gestures that move energies inside and around the body.

    In a world where more people are seeking holistic and integrative approaches to wellness, Donna Eden’s success reminds us of the power of the human body to heal itself when given the right tools and support. Her story encourages us to explore the connection between energy and health and to remain open to the possibilities of alternative healing practices. 

    Her journey is a testament to the potential of energy medicine as a complementary approach to health challenges.

    The Woman Behind Eden Energy Medicine: An Interview With Donna Eden (click picture for interview)

    The Woman Behind Eden Energy Medicine: An Interview With Donna Eden

    Did Somebody Say Energy?

    Your body has energy systems that work together to keep you healthy. Meridians are like highways carrying energy to your organs. Chakras are energy centers that process your emotions and experiences. The aura is like a shield protecting you from harmful energies. Radiant Circuits are flexible energy flows that bring joy and healing. The Celtic Weave connects all systems, and the Basic Grid is the deep foundation that supports everything.

    Did Someone Say Energy? (click picture for Teez Shop)

    Did Someone Say Energy? Teez and Thingz

    Overview of the Nine Primary Energy Systems

    1. Meridians: Energy pathways that act like the body’s energy “bloodstream,” delivering energy to organs, muscles, and cells. There are 14 meridians, including 12 named after organs and two central pathways (Central and Governing). They bridge the mind, body, and spirit.
    2. Chakras: Swirling energy centers located along the spine. There are seven major chakras, each influencing nearby organs and the endocrine system. They process physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences and have seven layers, from the innermost (Basic Grid) to the outermost (Aura).
    3. Aura: The body’s outermost energy field, composed of seven layers and concentric bands. It acts as a protective filter and an antenna, bringing in beneficial energies and harmonizing the body with the Earth’s magnetic field.
    4. Radiant Circuits: Subtle energy flows that support all other systems, especially the meridians. They are highly responsive to emotions and thoughts, fueling joy and activating inner healing. Unlike meridians, they are not confined to fixed pathways and move where needed.
    5. Triple Warmer: A unique system that functions as both a meridian and a Radiant Circuit. It governs the immune system, fight-flight-freeze response, and survival habits. It can draw energy from other meridians (except the Heart) when needed.
    6. Celtic Weave: A web-like energy system that integrates all other systems into a cohesive network. It resembles a crisscrossing pattern of figure eights and reflects natural patterns found in nature. Strengthening it helps “lock in” healing gains.
    7. Five Rhythms: Also called the Five Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal), these are energy patterns that influence all other systems. They reflect the rhythmic pulse of life and help address chronic health issues, emotional challenges, and behavioral patterns.
    8. Electrics: The electrical dimension of all energy systems, connecting cells, organs, and systems at an electrical level. It interacts with the nervous system and heart, charging and connecting the body’s energy systems.
    9. Basic Grid: The foundational energy structure, similar to the skeletal system for the body’s physical structure. It supports all other energy systems and is essential for overall vitality and healing.

    Metaphor of the House

    Imagine your body as a house:

    • Meridians are the plumbing, delivering energy like water to every room.
    • Chakras are the power outlets, providing energy to specific areas.
    • Aura is the roof and walls, protecting the house from outside elements.
    • Radiant Circuits are like emergency repair teams, fixing issues wherever needed.
    • Triple Warmer is the security system, keeping the house safe.
    • Celtic Weave is the wiring, connecting everything together.
    • Five Rhythms are the seasons, influencing how the house operates.
    • Electrics are the electrical currents powering the house.
    • Basic Grid is the foundation, holding everything in place.

    This metaphor helps visualize how these systems work together to keep the “house” (your body) functioning properly.

    Donna Eden – Insights At The Edge Podcast w/Tami Simon

    "Your body is your best healer when you learn how to listen to it.” – Donna Eden

    Daily Energy Routine Blog References:

    What's THE DER? Exactly

    Why DO the Daily Energy Routine?

    The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey

    Energy Medicine Conversation Starters

    SHERRINGENERGYTEEZ Energy Medicine Album



    © 2025 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

    Categories: : Blog, Teez

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