Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

What's THE DER? Exactly

Do you Do the DER? Do you know the DER? All about the Daily Energy Routine

Energy Medicine

In 1999 the book Energy Medicine was published by Donna Eden and David Feinstein. David is a psychologist and interviewed Donna as they wrote the book. 

David asked Donna what patterns she noticed as she saw many people of many illness. She notices that there were certain energy tests that when tested positively the people seemed to have more resilience and wellness. Those that didn't or whose energies corrected by doing certain techniques regularly gained resilience and wellness. These techniques became the Daily Energy Routine.


Who exactly is Donna Eden?

Donna was trained as a Touch for Health practitioner back in the 70's and took that education and infused her massage practice with Chinese Medicine's Five Elements. 

The DER is a set of exercises or techniques that were used often by Donna Eden in her practice way back in the 20th century.

Donna's abilities to see the body's energies allow her to see nine "energy systems". Balancing these systems is part of Eden Energy Medicine. The body has "physical systems" that need balancing and western medicine does that the way they know how. Through surgeries, pharmaceuticals and therapies. 


The 12 Physical Systems of the Body (Brief Overview)

This is a list of the main organ systems in the human body.

  • Integumentary system-The integumentary system comprises skin and its appendages; hair, nails, sweat glands and oil glands. 
  • Skeletal system-Bones maintain the structure of the body and its organs. 
  • Muscular system-Enables the body to move using muscles.
  • Nervous system-Collects and processes information from the senses via nerves and the brain and tells the muscles to contract to cause physical actions. 
  • Endocrine system-Influences the function of the body using hormones. 
  • Circulatory system/cardiovascular system-Circulates blood around the body via the heart, arteries and veins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells and carrying their waste products away, as well as keeping the body's temperature in a safe range
List of systems of the human body


  • Immune system/lymphatic system-Defends the body against pathogens that may harm the body. The system contains a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph.
  • Respiratory system-Brings air into and out of the lungs to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  • Digestive system/excretory system-Absorbs nutrients and removes waste via the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.
  • Urinary system/renal system-The urinary system (also known as renal system) filter blood with the help of kidneys to produce urine, and get rid of waste.
  • Reproductive system-The reproductive organs are required for the production of offspring.
List of systems of the human body


The Energy Medicine Practitioner 

Energy Medicine Practitioners use various techniques like hands-on healing and specific energy balancing exercises, techniques and protocols to address imbalances within the Nine Energy Systems. The goal is to restore harmony and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
While the concept of the Nine Energy Systems is widely practiced in alternative healing modalities, there is limited scientific evidence to definitively prove their existence or mechanisms of action.

Before anything can be researched, there has to be an observational-based practice—something that catches someone’s attention and can be reproduced. After that practice is observed and replicated, there’s often a spark that inspires someone to start collecting documentation through something called a case study.

Evidence-based practices have to begin somewhere—with someone in an academic setting, in a healthcare setting, or in their home, feeling trapped by a diagnosis that leaves them feeling helpless.


The Nine Energy Systems (Brief Overview)

    Here is a brief description of these energy systems that Donna Eden sees and Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners assess and balance.

    • Meridians-Energy pathways with 14 channels with acupuncture points. Carries energy to organs.
    • Chakras-Energy centers connected to the organs and code experiences.
    • Aura-Energetic field surrounding the body. It provides energy protection and acts as a filter and a two-way antenna.There are 7 layers of the aura.
    • Radiant Circuits-Hyperlinks, referred to as extraordinary vessels or strange flows in acupuncture, an intelligence that can activates inner joy.
    • Triple Warmer-Coordinate the immune response and fight flight mechanism, mobilizes during perceived threats.
    • Celtic Weave-Draws all energy systems into a network communication through crisscrossing of figure 8’s comparable to a web. It sits in the 7th layer of the aura.
    • The Five Rhythms-The Chinese five elements represented by water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The five rhythms are also associated with personality types and emotions.
    • Electrics-Connects to all major energy systems at the body’s electrical level, act as a bridge, not an independent system. Energy goes where it is needed.
    • Basic Grid-The foundation of all other energy systems and innermost energy embedded throughout the body, dense and slow moving.

    Find the metaphor of the house describing the energy systems  in this Blog: The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey

    Throwback DER Demonstration with Donna Eden 

    Quick Reference: Why do the DER?

    Stomach Thumps

    • Energy Flow: Governs downward energy movement, symbolizing the flow from heaven to earth.
    • Function: Tapping the stomach point drives energy downward. Helps with grounding.


    Kidney 27 Thumps

    • Body’s Battery: First meridian created, acts as the body’s energy reserve.
    • Self-Care: Kidney energy is paramount for the whole body to function well. Recognizing when to rest is the self-care challenge.


    Thymus and Circadian Rhythm

    • Immune Function: Thymus is crucial for immune response, influenced by morning cortisol levels.
    • Light Exposure: Morning sunlight helps reset circadian rhythm, improving cortisol regulation.
    • Practical Tips: Spend 10 minutes outdoors in the morning, tapping the thymus to enhance function.


    Spleen 21 Thump

    • Information Broadcaster: Spleen 21 disseminates information throughout the body.
    • Where is it: This specific point, Spleen 21, is located on the side of the ribs and on both sides of the body. If it's sore rub it more.


    Cross Crawl/Homolateral Patterns

    • Coordination: Integrates brain hemispheres for coordinated movement.
    • Grounding: Essential for maintaining cross-crawl pattern. 

    Homolateral isn't officially part of the DER but can be tested by a practitioner or if you have the Energy Medicine book there is a chapter in there. Homolateral is a big subject and will be another blog post and possibly a class in itself.

    The Crossover Shoulder Pull

    • Coordination: Energy, coordination, and clear and thinking. This is a quick way to get the body's energy  to cross the midline. 


    Wayne Cook Posture

    • Testing: Engage the brain with reading to test executive functions.
    • Clarity and Calm: Clearing and focusing the mind and being able to see with better perspective.


    Crown Pull

    • Skull Movement: Releases tension in skull sutures, aiding cerebrospinal fluid flow.
    • Technique: Press into sutures and pull apart; slide fingers through hair to open suture lines.
    • Benefits: Restores natural pulsation, relieves muscle tension.


    Connecting Heaven and Earth

    • Stretching: Deeply stretches for spleen, liver, and stomach meridians.
    • Proper Technique: Hold stretches for several breaths, keep knees soft(slightly bent).
    • Benefits: Enhances joint health, opens the chest, balances energy.


    Zip Up and Hook Up Exercises

    • Central and Governing Meridians: Focus on these meridians to protect and stabilize the energies of the body.


    Build Resilience

    • Resilience: DER builds resilience, helping to recover quickly from setbacks.
    DER Teez Totes and More


    "Sometimes, sharing energy medicine feels like planting a tree. You won't see it grow overnight, but with the right soil and a little patience, it might just take root."

    Click on YOUTUBE video below to follow Donna Eden doing The Official Daily Energy Routine

    wonDERful stuff

    Daily Energy Routine Blog References:

    What's THE DER? Exactly

    Why DO the Daily Energy Routine?

    The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey

    List of systems of the human body

    Energy Medicine Conversation Starters

    SHERRINGENERGYTEEZ Energy Medicine Album



    © 2024 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

    Categories: : Blog, Teez

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