Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

Why DO the Daily Energy Routine?

The DER (Daily Energy Routine) is a set of exercises and techniques designed to balance and optimize the body's energy flow.

The DER (Daily Energy Routine) is based on principles from Energy Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It improves your overall energy levels and clarity by balancing the flow of energy throughout the body by establishing new habits.


Daily Energy Routine (DER) 28-Challenge

The original Daily Energy Routine (DER) challenge was recorded throughout the month of February in 2017. Each day additional videos were posted and members of the Eden Energy Medicine staff faculty led a DER. 👉 (28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge!)

On the 9th day Sherri and Ann added their snowstorm twist on the Daily Energy Routine. Here is their 89 second version.

Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine Challenge!! (1:29 seconds) Short Fast Version

Here's a breakdown of why the DER is a good underlying practice to the beginning of your day. 

The key components and their purpose and benefits are clearly stated here:

1. Stomach Thumps (Cheekbone Thump)

  • Purpose: Governs the downward flow of energy, symbolizing the connection between "heaven and earth."
  • Benefit: Tapping the stomach point helps with grounding and stabilizing energy flow.


2. Kidney 27 Thumps (Collarbone Thump)

  • Purpose: Acts as the body's "battery," storing and regulating energy reserves.
  • Benefit: Supports overall vitality and encourages self-care by recognizing when to rest.


3. Thymus Thump (Breastbone Thump)

  • Purpose: The thymus gland is essential for immune function and is influenced by cortisol levels, which are regulated by the circadian rhythm.
  • Practical Tip: Morning sunlight exposure (10 minutes) and tapping the thymus can reset the circadian rhythm and improve immune response.


4. Spleen 21 Thump (Rib-cage Thump)

  • Purpose: The spleen meridian acts as an "information broadcaster," distributing energy and information throughout the body.
  • Location: Found on the side of the ribs on both sides of the body; soreness may indicate the need for more attention.
  • Benefit: Strengthens energy flow


5. Cross Crawl

  • Purpose: Integrates the brain's hemispheres for better coordination and movement.
  • Benefit: Helps maintain a balanced cross-crawl pattern, which is essential for grounding and overall energy flow.


6. Crossover Shoulder Pull (COSP)

  • Purpose: Encourages energy to cross the body's midline, improving coordination and mental clarity.
  • Benefit: Enhances focus, clear thinking, and overall energy balance.


7. Wayne Cook Posture 

  • Purpose: Engages the brain for better executive function and mental clarity.
  • Benefit: Clears and focuses the mind, offering a better perspective and calmness.


8. Crown Pull

  • Purpose: Releases tension in the skull sutures, aiding the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Technique: Press into the sutures, pull apart, and slide fingers through the hair to open suture lines.
  • Benefit: Restores natural pulsation, relieves muscle tension, and promotes relaxation.


9. Connecting Heaven and Earth

  • Purpose: Deep stretches target the spleen, liver, and stomach meridians.
  • Technique: Hold stretches for several breaths with slightly bent knees.
  • Benefit: Improves joint health, opens the chest, and balances energy flow.


10. Zip Up and Hook Up

  • Purpose: Focuses on the central and governing meridians to stabilize and protect energy flow.
  • Benefit: Creates a sense of security and alignment in the body's energy system.


DER Benefits

  • Balances yin and yang energies
  • Aids in stress reduction
  • Enhances immune function and energy reserves.
  • Promotes mental clarity, coordination, and grounding.
  • Supports the body's natural rhythms and overall vitality.

By incorporating these exercises into daily life, individuals can maintain optimal energy flow, improve physical and emotional well-being, and foster a deeper connection between the mind and body.

Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine Challenge!! Extended Labeled Version

Daily Energy Routine Blog References:

What's THE DER? Exactly
Why DO the Daily Energy Routine?

The Origins of Eden Energy Medicine: Donna Eden’s Extraordinary Journey

28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge!

Energy Medicine Conversation Starters




©2025 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

Categories: : Blog

Sherri A. Nicholas

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A car accident in 2012 brought Ann Sheridan and Sherri Nicholas to go through Eden Energy Medicine Fundamentals/Certification together in ...

Sherri A. Nicholas

The DER (Daily Energy Routine) is a set of exercises and techniques designed to balance and optimize the body's energy flow.

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This blog captures Donna Eden’s inspiring story and explore the transformative potential of Eden Energy Medicine

Sherri A. Nicholas

Do you Do the DER? Do you know the DER? All about the Daily Energy Routine

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