Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

Peace Love & Energy: Fix the Brain’s Power Outage

When the stress gets too big, your brain's "emergency alarm" goes off, and the forebrain (the thinking part) takes a break ...


Fix the Brain’s Power Outage: When Your Brain Hits Pause & How to Turn the Lights Back On

This blog is a combination of the information from two previous blogs about how to handle stress with added videos to other techniques in this one. 

Imagine your brain is like a superhero team working together to keep you thinking, solving problems, and making good choices. The “forebrain” is the team leader—it’s the part of your brain that helps you stay calm, think clearly, and make smart decisions. But when stress takes over, it’s like the team leader gets so overwhelmed that they need a break. This is called a “Bran Power Outage”.

During this time, your brain’s “emergency team” (the parts that handle fight, flight, or freeze) takes over. While this response is great for keeping you safe in real danger, it makes it harder to think clearly or stay calm when you’re stressed about things like a big test or feeling overwhelmed.


Why Does This Happen: Your Brain Runs Out of Wi-Fi

Stress is a normal part of life, but when it builds up, it can overwhelm your brain. At first, stress might feel like carrying a light backpack—it’s manageable. But as more stressors pile on (like homework, arguments, or feeling nervous about a presentation), the backpack gets heavier, and your brain’s “alarm system” goes off. This alarm system triggers your emergency response, and your forebrain shuts down for a bit while the rest of your brain focuses on survival.


What Happens During Stress: Fight, Flight, or Freeze

When your brain thinks you’re in danger, it activates the fight, flight, or freeze response—your body’s way of protecting you. Imagine walking in the woods and suddenly spotting a bear (yikes!). What do you do?

  • Fight: Get ready to battle the bear.
  • Flight: Run as fast as you can.
  • Freeze: Stay so still you could be mistaken for a tree.

Even though you’re unlikely to run into a real bear, your brain can act the same way when it’s stressed about everyday things, like making a mistake in front of the class or preparing for a big test.


How Stress Affects Your Body

Here’s what happens in your brain during this response:

  • Amygdala: This is your brain’s alarm system, like a barking guard dog. It senses danger and sounds the alarm.
  • Hypothalamus: The boss of the operation. It gets your body ready to fight, run, or freeze.
  • Triple Warmer Meridian: Think of this as your body’s energy manager, making sure your brain and body have what they need to handle the stress.

When this system kicks in, your heart races, your breathing gets faster, and your muscles tense up. It’s helpful in real danger, but it can feel overwhelming when the danger isn’t real.

When your brain stays in fight, flight, or freeze mode for too long, it can make you feel tired, grumpy, or even sick. It’s like holding onto a full glass of water for hours—it gets heavier and harder to manage. That’s why it’s important to take breaks and “put the glass down” by calming your brain and body.


How to Manage Stress and Avoid a Brain’s Power Outage

Here are 5 Donna Eden's Energy Medicine (more on Donna Eden here)  easy ways to calm down and get your brain’s team leader back in charge:

1. OMG!! Points: Forehead Holding Points

Location: Centered on the forehead, called the "Oh My God!" points. What I like to say is "saving brains one 'Forehead Hold' at a time."

How to Use

  • Place your fingertips gently on the forehead points and hold for 3–5 minutes.
  • Focus on the stress while holding the points to help reprogram your brain's response.

OMG!! Points Clip | Eden Energy Medicine

Hold your Forehead Demonstration


2. Cross Your Heart 
 Fingers in armpit pose
How to Use

  • Place your fingers in your armpits
  • Rest your thumbs on your chest
  • Hold this pose and breathe for 1-2-3-4-5 minutes 

Soothe Your Mind and Calm Your Nervous System with Titanya | Eden Energy Medicine


    3. TW/Spleen Hug

    • Wrap left hand around right arm, just above elbow
    • Wrap right arm around to the left at the waist
    • Hold for 3 breaths, then reverse sides and hold again

    Triple Warmer Spleen Hug | Prune Harris


    4. Fear Hold: Forehead/back of head hold

    • Lay the palm of one hand across your forehead
    • Lay the palm of the other hand across the bottom of the skull
    • Breathe and hold for several minutes

    Neurovascular points for Fear and Courage | Prune Harris


    5. Triple Warmer Smoothie: Place your hands on your temples and gently slide them down the sides of your face, around your ears, and to the back of your neck. This simple move helps calm your brain and body.

    • Rest face in hands for 2 breaths
      • Inhale and bring fingers up to temple area
      • Exhale while smoothing fingers up around ears and down to neck
      • Dig fingers into shoulders and hang for 2 breaths
      • Drag fingers over shoulders and release

      Instant Stress Relief with Triple Warmer Smoothie With Donna Eden  | Eden Energy Medicine


      Here are more easy ways to calm down:

      • Balloon Breathing: Blow Away Stress - Pretend you’re blowing up a big balloon. Breathe in deeply through your nose, filling your belly like a balloon, and then slowly let the air out. This tells your brain, “Hey, everything’s okay!”
      • Relax Your Muscles: Squeeze Lemons - Pretend you’re squeezing lemons in your hands. Squeeze your fists tight, then slowly let go. This helps your body release tension.
      • Think of a Happy Place: Your Brain Will Thank You! Close your eyes and imagine a place that makes you feel safe and happy, like a beach or a cozy treehouse. Think about what you see, hear, and feel there. It’s like giving your brain a mini-vacation.
      • Grounding: The 5-4-3-2-1 Countdown - Look around and name:
        • 5 things you can see
        • 4 things you can touch
        • 3 things you can hear
        • 2 things you can smell
        • 1 thing you can taste
          This helps your brain focus on the present instead of worrying.

      The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety | The Partnership In Education

      • Move Your Body: Shake It Off - Dance, jump, or shake your arms and legs. It’s like “shaking off” the stress from your body
      • Talk to Someone: Share Your Feelings - Sharing your feelings with a parent, teacher, or friend can help you feel lighter, like pouring water out of a too-full bucket.


      Why It’s Important to Manage Your Feelings

      Stress is a part of life, but if it builds up too much, it can feel like a volcano getting ready to explode. The “magma” (your feelings) rises until it erupts. Managing stress helps cool the magma and prevent an explosion. Plus, keeping your brain’s team leader in charge helps you stay calm, make good choices, and feel happier.

      mag·ma/ˈmaɡmə/: hot fluid or semifluid material below or within the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling.


      Key Points to Remember

      • Stress can make your brain’s “team leader” (forebrain) take a break, making it harder to think clearly.
      • Fight, flight, or freeze is your body’s way of protecting you, but it’s not always helpful during everyday stress.
      • Simple activities like deep breathing, relaxing your muscles, imagining happy places, grounding, and moving your body can help you manage stress.
      • Talking about your feelings can make a big difference.


      Final Thoughts

      Stress happens to everyone, but you’re in charge of your brain’s superhero team. By using these easy tricks, you can help your brain stay calm, strong, and ready to handle anything that comes your way.

      Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and give yourself time to relax—your brain will thank you!


      3 Ways To Release Stress & Anxiety Using Energy Medicine with Donna Eden  | Eden Energy Medicine


      Prevent Anxiety Cheatsheet Download

      Previous Blogs 

      Calm Your Mind: Understanding Fight, Flight, and Freeze

      OMG!!!! The Forebrain Blackout

      Energy Medicine Conversation Starters

      SHERRINGENERGYTEEZ Triple Warmer Album ( OMG!! Shop)



      Peace Love and Energy Art Prints and Posters

      © 2025 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

      Categories: : Blog, Doodle

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