Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

Calm Your Mind: Understanding Fight, Flight, and Freeze (and Those Drones in NJ)

Ever feel your heart race or muscles tense when you see something unexpected, like drones flying overhead in NJ?

Understanding Fight, Flight, and Freeze (and Those Drones in NJ)

The fight, flight, or freeze response is your body’s natural reaction to perceived threats, whether it’s a predator in the wild or, in modern times, something unexpected like drones flying overhead in New Jersey. 

Ever wondered how your body decides to fight, flee, or freeze in response to danger? Meet the trio behind the scenes: the amygdala, hypothalamus, and triple warmer meridians!

The amygdala, your brain's alarm system, detects threats and sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. Acting like a command center, the hypothalamus communicates with the rest of the body through the autonomic nervous system, which has two components: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

The sympathetic nervous system triggers the fight-or-flight response, providing the body with a burst of energy to respond to perceived danger. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes the "rest and digest" response that calms the body down after the danger has passed.

Enter the triple warmer meridian, an energy pathway in traditional Chinese medicine. It's associated with the fight, flight, or freeze response and works closely with the hypothalamus and amygdala to regulate our reactions to stress.

Now, let's talk about those drones in NJ. 🚁 Seeing them might trigger your amygdala, but remember, they're not a threat.

Drone Zone TeeZ

Here’s how it works and how you can calm it:

What Happens During Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

1️⃣ The Amygdala:

  • Your brain’s alarm system. It detects a potential threat (like mysterious drones) and sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus .

2️⃣ The Hypothalamus:

  • The command center of your brain. It activates your autonomic nervous system, triggering physiological changes like a racing heart, tense muscles, or rapid breathing.

3️⃣ The Triple Warmer Meridian:

  • From traditional Chinese medicine, this energy pathway works alongside the amygdala and hypothalamus to regulate your stress response. Think of it as your body’s energetic stress manager.
Peace Love and the Drones in NJ

Why Do Drones Trigger This Response?

  • The sight of drones buzzing overhead can feel unfamiliar or threatening, especially when their purpose is unclear. This uncertainty activates your amygdala, which perceives the drones as a potential danger, even if there’s no real threat.

How to Calm the Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response

When your nervous system goes into overdrive, you can use these techniques to bring your body back to balance:

  • Deep Breathing:
    • Slow, deep breaths activate your parasympathetic nervous system, signaling to your body that it’s safe,.
    • Try inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, and exhaling for 6 seconds.
  • Visualization:
    • Picture a peaceful scene, like a calm beach or a serene forest, to distract your mind and soothe your stress response .
  • Grounding Techniques:
    • Focus on your surroundings using the 5-4-3-2-1 method:
      • 5 things you can see
      • 4 things you can touch
      • 3 things you can hear
      • 2 things you can smell
      • 1 thing you can taste.

Prevent Anxiety (Click to Download Infographic)

  • Triple Warmer Smoothie:
    • This energy medicine technique involves a gentle hand movement from the temple to the back of the neck, which can help to calm the triple warmer.

Instant Stress Relief with Triple Warmer Smoothie With Donna Eden

Why It Matters

An overactive fight-or-flight response can lead to chronic stress, which negatively impacts your health. Learning to calm this response not only helps you feel more in control but also improves your overall well-being.

Fun Fact About the Drones in NJ

The mysterious drones spotted over New Jersey have been puzzling residents and officials alike. While the FBI is investigating, there’s no known threat at this time. So, while your amygdala might sound the alarm, you can rest assured that the drones are likely harmless.

Drones in New Jersey TeeZ

By understanding how your brain and body react to stress, you can take control of your response and stay calm—even when mysterious drones are buzzing overhead.

In Triple Warmer We Trust TeeZ, MugZ, ToteZ, HoodieZ and HatZ
In Triple Warmer We Trust TeeZ, MugZ, ToteZ, HoodieZ and HatZ

Youtube: Calm Your Mind: Understanding Fight, Flight, and Freeze (and Those Drones in NJ)

Energy Medicine Conversation Starters





© 2024 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

Categories: : Blog, Teez

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