Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

Overview of the Four Sensory Styles

The blog condenses the concept of "energetic stress styles," which are sensory modes people favor when reacting to stress,

These styles shape how individuals process stress, communicate, and interact with others.

Introduction to Energetic Stress Styles

In our fast-paced world, stress can manifest in various ways, influencing how we perceive and interact with our surroundings. This blog delves into the intriguing concept of "energetic stress styles," which are the sensory modes individuals favor when responding to stress. 

Understanding these styles is essential as they shape our stress processing, communication, and relationships with others.

From the focused Visual Style that creates vivid mental pictures to the sensitive Tonal Style that picks up on subtleties in communication, each style offers unique strengths and challenges. The compassionate Kinesthetic Style seeks harmony, while the analytical Digital Style approaches stress with a rational mindset. 

By exploring these diverse styles, we can better navigate our emotional landscapes and enhance our interactions with those around us. Join us as we uncover the nuances of these energetic stress styles and their impact on our everyday lives.


Tunnel Vision: My Superpower During Stress

Visual Style 

    • Key Traits: Passionate, critical, and focused on personal vision.
    • Challenges: May misinterpret situations, project expectations, and judge others harshly.
    • Conflict Behavior: Blames others and struggles with unmet expectations.
Visuals Paint the Picture

 "Paints a mental picture of how things should be but gets frustrated when reality doesn’t match.


                                  Your Voice Is Just REALLY Loud in My Soul

Tonal Style

    • Key Traits: Sensitive to tone and hidden meanings, analytical, and self-critical.
    • Challenges: Misinterprets words or tones, amplifies minor issues, and retreats into inner dialogue.
    • Conflict Behavior: Overanalyzes and misinterprets partner’s intentions.
Tonals Hear the Melody

 "Like musicians—tuning into subtle notes but sometimes misinterpreting the melody."


I Don’t Want You to Feel Wrong… So I’ll Just Say Yes

Kinesthetic Style

    • Key Traits: Compassionate, emotional, and harmony-seeking.
    • Challenges: Over-accommodates others, avoids conflict, and struggles with logic.
    • Conflict Behavior: Bottles up emotions until overwhelmed or neglected.
Kinesthetic Feel the Waves

 "Like rivers—flowing with emotion but sometimes overflowing or losing direction."


I’m Not Ignoring You, I’m Just Processing Your Emotions as Data

Digital Style

    • Key Traits: Rational, detached, and logical.
    • Challenges: Struggles to connect emotionally and ignores emotional cues.
    • Conflict Behavior: Exasperates partners with a lack of emotional response.
Digitals Write the Code

 "Like computers—logical and efficient but sometimes too cold for relationships."


© 2025 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved




AMAZON STORE: The Energies of Love: Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership Donna Eden & David Feinstein New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2014.


Energetic Sensory Blogs


Next Sensory Blogs Coming Soon!

  • Seeing Eye to Eye: Navigating the Visual Energetic Stress Style
  • When Emotions Speak Louder Than Words: The Tonal Energetic Stress Style Explained
  • Are You Absorbing Too Much? The Challenges of Being a Kinesthetic Stress Style
  • Are you the calm, cool, and Digital? Computing Being a Digital Stress Style
  • Overview of the Four Sensory Styles
  • Stress Styles in Action: A Kinesthetic and a Visual In an Interview
  • Trapped in an Elevator: Sensory Stress Styles in Stress
  • The Turbulent Flight: A Tale of Four Sensory Styles
  • The Baby Cab Chronicles: A Tale of Four Sensory Styles Under Stress
  • The Last People on Earth: A Sensory Apocalypse Comedy


The Sensory Style Tote

      Categories: : Blog, Doodle, Teez

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