Doodle Teez or Blog

SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection.  A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.

Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...

An Energetic Sensory Stress Christmas Story

The Energetic Sensory Styles at Christmas and a Gallery of Energy Holiday Teez for all year for Learning, Wearing and Sharing Energy Medicine.

"Energy is like the wind—you can’t see it, but you can feel its effects as it moves through your life, gently pushing you forward or clearing the clutter in your path." ~Sherringenergyteez 2024

The snow continued to fall outside the Mason family home, blanketing the world in a peaceful white that sharply contrasted with the chaos inside. The annual holiday gathering was in full swing, a cacophony of laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional crash of a dropped ornament. Claire, the quiet observer, sat in her usual spot on the worn armchair, sipping her mulled cider. Her eyes moved from one family member to the next, each embodying their unique sensory stress style as the holiday pressures mounted. This year, however, Claire had a secret weapon: the Eden Method techniques she’d been learning. She decided to try them out—if only in her mind—for each family member.

Visuals Paint the Picture

The Visual: Aunt Linda

Aunt Linda stood by the fireplace, arms crossed, her eyes narrowing like a hawk zeroing in on its prey. Her husband, oblivious to the danger, was laughing too loudly at a joke.“Do you think this is funny?” Linda snapped, her voice sharp enough to cut through the holiday cheer. “Maybe if you spent half as much time helping me with the decorations as you do laughing, this place wouldn’t look like a disaster.”Claire winced. Linda’s tunnel vision was in full effect, her energy radiating outward like a flashlight on overdrive. Her husband muttered something under his breath and retreated to the kitchen, leaving Linda to stew.Claire imagined gently guiding Linda through the  Triple Warmer Smoothie (click here for technique). “Just smooth your hands down your arms, Linda,” she thought, picturing her aunt calming her overactive stress response. “Maybe then you’ll stop laser-beaming everyone into submission.

Tonal Hear the Melody

The Tonal: Cousin Mark

Near the Christmas tree, Cousin Mark was fidgeting with the ornaments, his face pale and his movements jerky. Every time someone raised their voice or a child shrieked, he flinched as if he’d been struck. His hand hovered over his stomach, trying to calm the storm brewing inside him.“Can we turn the music down?” Mark asked, his voice barely audible over the holiday playlist blasting from the speakers. “It’s just… it’s too much.”No one seemed to hear him, and Claire could see the tension building in his shoulders. Mark’s energy was chaotic, like a radio picking up too many stations at once. Eventually, he slipped out of the room, likely seeking refuge in the quiet of the upstairs guest bedroom.Claire smiled to herself, imagining Mark trying the Darth Vader Breath (click here for technique). “Deep breaths, Mark,” she thought. “In through the nose, out through the mouth. Pretend you’re a Jedi calming the Force. Or at least calming yourself.

Digitals Write the Code

The Digital: Uncle Greg

At the dining table, Uncle Greg sat with his laptop open, typing furiously. Claire raised an eyebrow. Who brings a laptop to a holiday party? But Greg was unfazed, his focus entirely on the spreadsheet glowing on his screen.“Greg, can you help me with the kids’ presents?” his wife called from the kitchen.“Just a second,” he replied, not looking up. “I’m almost done calculating the budget for next year.”Claire could see his wife’s frustration mounting, but Greg remained calm, his energy locked in his forebrain, detached from the emotional undercurrents of the room. He was like a fortress, impenetrable and self-contained.“Greg,” Claire thought, “you need some Connecting Heaven and Earth (click here for technique). Stretch those arms up, then sweep them down. Maybe then you’ll remember you’re at a holiday party, not a board meeting.

Kinesthetics Feel the Waves

The Kinesthetic: Grandma Ruth

Grandma Ruth sat on the couch, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Her face was drawn, her eyes glassy as she watched the chaos unfold around her. Claire could almost feel the weight of Ruth’s energy, heavy and sluggish, as if she were absorbing every emotion in the room.“Are you okay, Grandma?” Claire asked gently, kneeling beside her.Ruth gave a small, tired smile. “Oh, I’m fine, dear. Just… taking it all in.”But Claire knew better. Ruth was like a sponge, soaking up the stress and emotions of everyone around her. It was no wonder she looked so drained.“Grandma,” Claire thought, “you need The Blow Out" (click here for technique). Shake off all that energy you’re absorbing. Maybe even throw in a little dance move. It’s the holidays, after all.

As Claire sat back in her chair, she reflected on the scene before her. The holidays were supposed to be a time of joy and connection, but the stress of the season had a way of amplifying everyone’s quirks and vulnerabilities. Aunt Linda’s sharp focus, Cousin Mark’s sensitivity, Uncle Greg’s detachment, and Grandma Ruth’s emotional absorption—they were all just different ways of coping with the same pressures.Claire smiled to herself. Maybe, just maybe, understanding these stress styles—and imagining a few Eden Method techniques (YouTube Channel)—could help her navigate the chaos with a little more compassion. After all, everyone was doing their best in their own way—even if it didn’t always look like it. And if all else failed, there was always more cider.

Holiday time can feel like a tornado. So much preparation and interaction. Stress and tension can build so easy...

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Omgoliday!! Hold Your Forehead!! The Holidays ARE Coming 🎅🏻🥶🎄

“OMG!!-oliday Family Energy Chatter”

A spark of art, just flows through me,

But Uncle Ray just rolls his eyes at me, you see.

"Energy shirts? What does that exactly mean?

Do they light up or fuel a car or machine?”

"It’s spreading healing techniques!" I say, with a confident grin,

While my Aunt Peg sips her wine and eventually chimes in,

"If the energy’s real, why’s my Wi-Fi so slow?

Can your energy shirt fix that? I’d really like to know!”

Pa-rum pa-pa-pa-pom, I hum,

Ignoring my family’s sarcastic drum:

"Back in my day, we just wore all plaid,

Not shirts claiming powers that we never had!”

The holiday lights twinkled and gleamed,

As I explain energy fuels everyone’s dream.

But Cousin Russ smirks, "Oh, that’s really rich!

Do your socks balance chakras, or is that a holiday glitch?”

I still wore my tee with a peaceful fluorescent glow,

While everyone grumble, that’s just a logo!”

I laugh, I shrug, and let them just tease,

As my energy hummed through my funny and joyful new tees.

So wear them, love them, and let them shine,

Even if your family thinks you’ve just lost your mind.

Because in their doubts, there’s humor to find—

Energy flows, even when there’s no words that are kind.

Pa-rum pa-pa-pa-pom, I sing,

Through the skeptics frowns and pings.

For the truest gift, as the holidays start,

Is the energy you bring straight from the heart. 

Energy Medicine Conversation Starters

Gallery of Energy Holiday Teez Link Below




© 2024 Sherri A Nicholas All Rights Reserved

Energetic Sensory Blogs

Next Sensory Blogs Coming Soon!

  • Seeing Eye to Eye: Navigating the Visual Energetic Stress Style
  • When Emotions Speak Louder Than Words: The Tonal Energetic Stress Style Explained
  • Are You Absorbing Too Much? The Challenges of Being a Kinesthetic Stress Style
  • Are you the calm, cool, and Digital? Computing Being a Digital Stress Style
  • Overview of the Four Sensory Styles
  • Stress Styles in Action: A Kinesthetic and a Visual In an Interview
  • Trapped in an Elevator: Sensory Styles in Stress
  • The Turbulent Flight: A Tale of Four Sensory Styles
  • The Baby Cab Chronicles: A Tale of Four Sensory Styles Under Stress
  • The Last People on Earth: A Sensory Apocalypse Comedy

Categories: : Blog, Stories, Teez

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