SherringenergyTeez is a creative endeavor to make a visual resource of energy medicine and this blog spot is a place to share information and stories with our personal journey to understanding energy medicine. Sharing everything energy and anything creative that makes remembering easier and fun. Doodle, Teez or Blog will be sometimes doodles, sometimes drawings, sometimes blogs, cheatsheets of energy techniques or research study breakdowns and wearable conversation starters with a some kind of energy connection. A place to learn how energy has a relationship in the physical world having a way to easily share.
Making energy visible is the goal and sharing is the vehicle ...
"Ever feel like you are on different wavelengths during conflict? It might be your stress styles at play!
The Four Sensory Styles: How You Love and Fight!
Did you know that the secret to a fulfilling relationship isn’t just in what you say or do—but in the invisible energies you bring to the table? Relationships are deeply influenced by psychology and interpersonal dynamics, but understanding and aligning your "energy type" can lead to deeper insights and more immediate improvements in communication and connection.
The Role of Energies in Relationships: You Are Just an Operating System
Energies in relationships operate like the operating systems of a computer—they determine how everything runs, from communication to conflict resolution. The energy or sensory style within any relationship shapes how the people communicate, argue, express love, and perceive love from their partners.
There are four primary sensory system stress modes that influence these dynamics.
The carrot noses are pointing in the direction of the eyes!
Using Sensory Styles to Improve Your Relationship: Which Style Is Yours?
For example, if you’re a Visual Type, focus on softening criticism and actively listening to other's perspectives without projecting your expectations.
“Think of each sensory energy as a different language—learning about each language helps you translate love and resolve conflict more effectively.”
Why Energies Are the Invisible Key to Connection: Working with the Invisible
When you understand your energies, you stop fighting against others energies and start working as a team. Understanding the energetic basis of your relationship helps build empathy, fosters better communication, and strengthens emotional bonds.
Why Understanding Sensory Energy Styles Matters: Help to Make It Work
How can mismatched sensory styles can lead to recurring conflicts? Understanding energy types is essential for nurturing fulfilling relationships. Self-awareness and mutual understanding can bridge the gaps. By focusing on the invisible yet powerful energies we bring to our relationships, we can enhance our connections with others, mitigate conflicts, and foster deeper understanding and empathy.
Energetic Stress Styles in Relationships: It's a Wavelength Thing
What Are Energetic Stress Styles: Reacting vs. Processing
For example, visuals are passionate but may struggle with empathy during disagreements.
Characteristics of the Four Stress Styles: Sees, Hears, Feels, Thinks
Each stress style has unique strengths and challenges:
The Four Sensory System Stress Modes: Getting Your Nose Out of Joint
Energetic styles emerges during conflict or stress, impacting interactions and often leading to misunderstandings.
"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin
2. Tonal Style
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” Peter Drucker.
3. Kinesthetic Style
"Feelings are much like waves; we can’t stop them from coming, but we can choose which ones to surf." Jonatan Mårtensson
4. Digital Style
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein
Applying This Knowledge to Strengthen Relationships
For instance, a digital partner can work on being more open to emotional perspectives, while a kinesthetic partner can set boundaries to avoid burnout.
Summary: It's Not Me...It's My Energy
Energetic stress styles explain how people react to stress based on their sensory preferences (visual, tonal, kinesthetic, or digital). These styles shape how individuals process conflict and interact with the people in your life. Understanding energetic stress styles helps people build stronger connections.
Different Perspectives: Strength or Weakness?
Each stress style has strengths and challenges.
For example, visuals are inspiring but may misinterpret situations, while digitals are rational but may struggle with emotions.
How Do You Handke Stress?
Think about how you and the people in your life handle stress. Do you recognize any of these traits in your relationship? Understanding these dynamics can help you navigate conflicts more effectively.
Energetic Chaos to Connection: Tips for Your Energy
Identify your sensory type and the people in your life then adjust communication and expectations accordingly.
Tips for each sensory type to improve their relationships:
You Are Just a Frequency: Adjust Your Volume
Think of stress styles as different radio frequencies. When stress hits, each person tunes into their preferred channel—visual, tonal, kinesthetic, or digital. Miscommunication happens when partners are broadcasting on different frequencies.
Energetic Sensory Blogs
Next Sensory Blogs Coming Soon!
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